Illinois lawmakers advance measure to untangle student test scores from teacher evaluations

llinois lawmakers are proposing a change to state law that would no longer require school districts to use students’ test scores in teacher evaluations. 

Senate Bill 28, if approved, would roll back changes made 15 years ago that were aimed at improving teacher evaluation systems amid a push by the federal government under the Obama administration to link teacher quality to students’ success in the classroom...

Early Insights from the Revalidation of the Cultivate Survey

Key Findings

  • The Cultivate Survey reliably captures the learning conditions it was designed to measure for all students. There is no evidence of bias in how the survey functions across student groups. 
  • Within an academic year, improving students’ experiences of their learning conditions from fall to spring predicts substantial and positive changes in how valued students feel.

Three studies shine a light on positive English Learner outcomes

Since 2019, the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research (UChicago Consortium) has been conducting research on the educational experiences and outcomes of the English learner (EL) population in Chicago Public Schools (CPS). This body of work, led by Marisa de la Torre, managing director and senior research associate at the UChicago Consortium, spans from pre-K into early elementary and middle grades, through high school, and into higher education.

Belonging in the classroom

Post-pandemic, the alarming headline of K-12 education is that for too many families, school has become irrelevant and even optional. Absenteeism climbs and learning gaps persist. A key factor in this crisis is that when schools reopened, pre-2020 approaches were dusted off and retrofitted to our new landscape. 

But reality has been forever altered: both for students, who don’t see school as particularly relevant to their current lives or future goals, and for teachers, who are experiencing increased burnout, a more acute pay penalty, and limited resources and support...

Lauren Tsai

Lauren is a Research Analyst I at To&Through. In this role, she provides analytics support and maintains the data tool. She is passionate about providing tools to parents and educators so they can make the best decisions for their schools and communities. Prior to joining To&Through, Lauren worked as a math tutor and statistician for the Exigent Summer Program for Advanced West Side Mathematics. She also worked as a teaching assistant. Outside of work, Lauren enjoys running, playing violin, and watching The Great British Baking Show.

Former English Learners in Chicago Public Schools outdo peers on GPA, graduation

It’s true: English learners lag their peers by several metrics, a fact some politicians use to deride their growing presence in America’s public schools. 

But researchers with The University of Chicago say such data points represent a mere snapshot of student achievement for those still learning a new language, telling just a fraction of a greater story...

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