More CPS students are graduating high school

Chicago Public Schools students are graduating high school at unprecedented rates, a new report finds, but researchers predict that less than a third of current ninth graders will complete a college credential in the next decade. 

The analysis is the tenth annual report about the educational attainment of CPS students from The To&Through Project, an education-focused research group based at the University of Chicago...

Chicago students have higher high school graduation and college enrollment rates, report finds

Chicago Public Schools’ class of 2023 had a high school graduation rate of 85%, an all-time high for the district, a new report found. In addition, college enrollment rates for Chicago students are rebounding from the COVID-19 pandemic and college completion rates remain steady. 

Those findings are from a joint report from the To&Through Project and the University of Chicago’s Consortium on School Research. The report looked at “educational milestones” for Chicago’s high school graduates, including graduation rates, college enrollment, and college completion...

The Educational Attainment of Chicago Public Schools Students

Key Findings

  • The high school graduation rate increased to an all-time high of 85%. 
  • The college enrollment rate increased to 63% after seeing pandemic dips, approaching the prior high of 64% from 2017. 
    • The four-year college enrollment rate increased 2.5 percentage points to an all-time high of 47.5%, while the two-year college enrollment rate declined slightly to 15.7%. 
  • College completion rates are holding relatively steady for four-year and two-year college enrollees—at 54% and 31%, respectivel

I’m a math educator

Professional development is foundational to educational success, but our current model is in desperate need of an upgrade. Well-designed curricula are rendered ineffective without a parallel commitment to equipping teachers with the skills they need to bring those plans to life. 

Measuring the value and implications of standardized tests

Over the last 20 years, education experts have increasingly questioned whether standardized tests are the best way to measure how students perform. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of institutions let high school students decide whether to submit their standardized test scores with their admission applications, and many colleges and universities continue to have “test-optional policies” today...

Catalyze Survey Validation

This Learning & Development Group pilot study is a validation of the Catalyze Survey, which measures the school conditions that support educators to engage in equitable and supportive practice, such as Collective Vision, Inclusive Leadership, Effective Systems, and Trust Community. The study assesses the survey's predictive validity for teacher practices and retention.

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