Q&A: Grades & Test Scores

Key Takeaways

  • If we look at the overall population of college-going students, students’ course grades are consistently the strongest indicators of students’ general academic preparation.
    • If you were just going to focus on one for assessing academic readiness, grades provide the most comprehensive information. Tests like the SAT and ACT provide some additional information.
  • Some studies may find different conclusions, often because they’re looking at a restricted sample (e.g.

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Matt Herndon

Matt Herndon (he/him) is the Development and Engagement Associate at the UChicago Consortium. In this role, he helps plan community events, workshops, and engagement activities, and assists partner organizations and the Consortium Investor Council with the goal of supporting more equitable outcomes for students. Prior to joining the UChicago Consortium, Matt worked as a preschool teacher and at Google in various capacities surrounding the recruitment and hiring process. Matt is currently an Education Pioneers Impact Fellow.

Dania Carr

Dania is a doctoral student in the UChicago Developmental Psychology program working with Dr. Susan Levine. Prior to graduate school, Dania worked as a research assistant in the Cognitive Development Lab at the University of Chicago. Dania’s research explores mathematical learning through a developmental lens. Specifically, she is interested in investigating the impact that different socio-emotional, cognitive, and linguistic factors have on children’s mathematical understanding.

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