Consortium researchers used 15 years of data from 100 public elementary schools in Chicago and found that school organization is most important for improvement. Schools strong on at least 3 of 5 “essential supports” of school organization were 10 times more likely to show substantial gains in student learning than schools weak on three or more essential supports.
The five “essential supports” for school improvement are:
- Effective Leaders The principal works with teachers to implement a clear and strategic vision for school success.
- Collaborative Teachers The staff is committed to the school, receives strong professional development, and works together to improve the school.
- Involved Families The entire school staff builds strong relationships with families and communities to support learning.
- Supportive Environment The school is safe and orderly. Teachers have high expectations for students. Students are supported by their teachers and peers.
- Ambitious Instruction Classes are academically demanding and engage students by emphasizing the application of knowledge.
To help schools understand their strengths and areas for improvement, Consortium researchers developed the 5Essentials Survey. It was first used in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) in 1991. Students and teachers continue to take annual surveys in CPS. They answer multiple-choice questions, called items. Answers to items are grouped into measures and essentials so that teachers and leaders can reflect on trends, patterns, strengths, and areas for improvement. The student survey includes questions about students’ experiences, attitudes, and activities in school. The teacher survey includes questions about instruction, professional development, and the school as a workplace. A primer on making measures from the survey questions is available here.

After seeing how helpful it was for Chicago principals, teachers, families, and students, the UChicago Consortium teamed up with UChicago Impact to help other schools and districts utilize the survey to evaluate their school organization efforts. To date, the 5Essentials Survey has been administered to more than 5,000,000 students, teachers, and parents in nearly 6,000 schools across the country, and has inspired work as far away as Chile and South Africa. In some districts and states, including Chicago and Illinois, the results of the 5Essentials Surveys are then available publicly in the form of school reports.
5Essentials Surveys At A Glance:
Who takes the surveys?
The 5Essentials Survey includes both a teacher survey and a student survey. The teacher survey is open to all teachers in in grades pre-k-12, as well as other select staff members at schools. The student survey is open to students in grades 4-12.
How are the survey results used?
In some districts and states, including Chicago and Illinois, the school-level results of the 5Essentials surveys are available publicly in the form of school reports. In Chicago, survey results are also used as part of a school’s quality score (SQRP). Starting in 2018, Illinois will use participation on the 5Essentials to fulfill its fifth indicator requirement under ESSA.
Can my school take the survey?
If you are interested in using the 5Essentials Survey, please contact us