Holly Hart is currently Survey Director at the UChicago Consortium. In this position she oversees content development and research on the 5Essentials Survey and School Climate. Holly is a mixed-methods researcher with a background in psychology and adult development. Before joining the UChicago Consortium, Holly oversaw survey research on a variety of topics at the Survey Research Lab at UIC. In addition to survey research, as a Senior Research Associate at the UChicago Consortium, she has conducted studies focused on teachers and principals at different points of their careers. Her teacher-focused work has included studies of teacher training and coaching by the Urban Teacher Education Program and the Chicago New Teacher Center. She has also studied Chicago’s REACH teacher evaluation system. Her research on principals ranges from principal preparation in Chicago and Illinois, to an Institute of Education Sciences study of the key mechanisms through which school leaders influence student achievement. Holly spends her free time doing cat yoga with her three cats and experimenting on her family with recipes from around the world.