What is the purpose of the 5Essentials (5E) Surveys for teachers and students?
Results from the 5E Survey provide a guide to help schools know what they can do to improve or strengthen their school. Research has shown that schools strong on three or more of the 5Es are actually 10 times more likely to improve than schools that are weak on three or more of the 5Es.
The survey provides teachers and students an opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns about what’s happening in their school. Nearly 150,000 students and 30,000 teachers and staff across Chicago take the 5E Survey every year. Without it, school evaluation would be based primarily on test scores and overlook other important climate factors that lead to school improvement—factors like trust and safety. Learn more.
Is 5Essentials Survey participation required for teachers and students?
No, while schools are required to administer the 5E Survey, participation is completely voluntary for teachers and students. Teachers and students can stop taking the survey or skip questions at any time. Principals are unable to see whether or not a teacher has completed the survey. However, the higher the participation rates, the more accurately the surveys show how all students and teachers in the school feel.
If any teacher or student feels they cannot respond honestly or they are being forced to participate, they are encouraged to contact the 5Essentials hotline at 5Essentials@uchicago.edu or (866) 440-1874. The University of Chicago Urban Education Institute, which includes UChicago Impact and the Consortium on School Research, takes concerns about the administration and ethics of the 5E Survey seriously. Individuals making complaints to the hotline remain anonymous, and the complaints are investigated through CPS Central Office.
Are 5Essentials Survey responses from teachers and students confidential?
Yes, 5E Survey responses from teachers and students are confidential. Teacher names and email addresses are separated from responses and destroyed. Neither schools nor school administration have access to individual teacher responses. Principals are unable to see whether or not a teacher has completed the survey. On the student survey, principals can identify if a student has taken the survey, but they do not have access to student responses. Learn more.
What organizations govern and administer the 5Essentials Surveys?
The teacher survey is governed by the University of Chicago Social and Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review Board (IRB). The teacher survey is administered by UChicago Impact.
The student survey is governed by CPS Central Office and administered by UChicago Impact. While CPS governs the student survey, individual schools and principals do not have access to student responses. Learn more.
The CPS parent survey is not part of the 5Essentials. The parent survey is governed and administered by CPS Central Office.
Where can I find more information about the parent survey I received from CPS?
The CPS parent survey is not part of the 5E survey. It is governed and administered by CPS. Please visit the My Voice, My School Parent Survey page on the CPS website for more information.
Learn more about the 5Essentials Survey from this infographic, by UChicago Impact.