The story of Perkins Bass Elementary in Englewood, the little school that did

ENGLEWOOD — Perkins Bass Elementary is the school that love built.

You can see it in the murals that adorn the walls, in the students who proudly show off their class projects, in the way Principal Carolyn Jones talks about her team. It is an enduring love, one that fills every nook and cranny of the building at 1140 W. 66th St...

Ransom: That C in algebra tells us as much about the teacher's classroom environment as it does abou the student

As a new sixth-grade teacher in Chicago Public Schools, I created an “A’s and B’s Because I Tried” Club to recognize every student who achieved a top grade on a project. I had come to my classroom in 2004 the same way most teachers do: with an unwavering belief that students can achieve academically, with the goal of creating a classroom where every student felt valued and with the confidence that, if students tried hard enough, they would succeed.

Can you skip 47 days of class and still graduate? In Maryland's largest school system, the answer is yes

As graduation approached last year, the list of often-absent students at Albert Einstein High School in suburban Maryland was long. More than 175 seniors repeatedly missed classes, many in courses required for their diplomas.

Most students at the Montgomery County school graduated anyway...

GoCPS easy to learn, but new application process needs work

Families have quickly caught on to Chicago Public Schools’ new online high school application system — and most are snagging one of their top-three choices — but it hasn’t improved access to high-quality schools for low-income and African American students.

That’s according to a study released Thursday by the University of Chicago’s Consortium on School Research and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, which scrutinized the 2017 launch of GoCPS, for students who entered the ninth grade this school year...

New CPS application didn't improve access for Black students in first year

A new centralized high school application process was intended to expose Chicago students to more options, but low-income and black students continued to be more likely than others to attend poor-performing high schools, according to a study released on Thursday.

The analysis of data from the first year of the application process, called GoCPS, offers insight into what is preventing low-income black students from accessing highly rated schools...

Straight Up Conversation

Emily Krone Phillips is the author of the new book The Make-or-Break Year, which chronicles how Chicago Public Schools used the metric Freshman OnTrack to boost graduation rates. Now at the Spencer Foundation, she was previously at the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research, where the Freshman OnTrack research originated. I recently talked with Emily about dropouts and efforts to help students stay on track. Here's what she had to say...

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