
Sorted by the Essential Supports, this report provides both a snapshot of the 2003 survey results and graphs of survey response trends from 1994 to 2003. Snapshots categorize participants’ endorsement of each measure, ranging from weak to strong. Trend graphs display how average responses have changed in both elementary and high schools over the period from 1994 to 2003. The report also provides a snapshot of the 2003 survey results and graphs of survey measure response trends for Technology Use and Support from 2001 to 2003.

Every two years, the UChicago Consortium surveys all Chicago public school teachers and sixth- through tenth-grade students. Teachers answer questions on classroom instruction, their professional development experiences, and the conditions under which they work. Students report on their school experiences, attitudes, and activities.

The UChicago Consortium has grouped these survey responses into about 25 composite measures of school development. These composite measures have been grouped further under the five essential supports for student learning.

The essential supports are, as identified by Consortium research, School Leadership, Parent and Community Partnerships, Student-Centered Learning Climate, Professional Capacity, and Quality Instructional Program. Our research has shown that student learning improves most in schools where multiple, related essential supports are implemented and evaluated on an ongoing basis.

In addition to these indicators of school development, the UChicago Consortium also has formed seven measures from survey items that ask teachers and students about computer access, computer usage, and the availability of resources that facilitate the inclusion of technology in the classroom.

Sorted by the essential supports, this report provides both a snapshot of the 2003 survey results and graphs of survey response trends from 1994 to 2003. Snapshots categorize participants’ endorsement of each measure, ranging from weak to strong. Trend graphs display how average responses have changed in both elementary and high schools over the period from 1994 to 2003. The report also provides a snapshot of the 2003 survey results and graphs of survey measure response trends for Technology Use and Support from 2001 to 2003.

