Title Type Date Sort ascending
From High School to the Future: A First Look at Chicago Public School Graduates' College Enrollment, College Preparation, and Graduation from Four-Year Colleges From High School to the FutureA First Look at Chicago Public School Graduates' College Enrollment, College Preparation, and Graduation from Four-Year Colleges Report Apr 2006
De la Educación Media Superior hacia el Futuro: un primer vistazo a la inscripción, preparación y graduación universitaria de los estudiantes egresados de las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago From High School to the FutureA First Look at Chicago Public School Graduates' College Enrollment, College Preparation, and Graduation from Four-Year Colleges Report Apr 2006
Preview Not AvailableGetting It the Second Time AroundStudent Classroom Experience in Chicago's Summer Bridge Program Article May 2005
Ending Social Promotion: The Effects of Retention Ending Social PromotionThe Effects of Retention Report Apr 2004
Retention Policy Fails to Improve Low-Performing Students' Achievement and Increases Dropout Rates Ending Social PromotionThe Effects of Retention Report Apr 2004
The Chicago Annenberg Challenge: Explaining the Findings The Chicago Annenberg ChallengeSuccesses, Failures, and Lessons for the Future Report Aug 2003
The Chicago Annenberg Challenge: Successes, Failures, and Lessons for the Future The Chicago Annenberg ChallengeSuccesses, Failures, and Lessons for the Future Report Aug 2003
Report Highlights: Ending Social Promotion: Results from Summer Bridge Ending Social PromotionResults from Summer Bridge Report Feb 2003
Ending Social Promotion: Results from Summer Bridge Ending Social PromotionResults from Summer Bridge Report Feb 2003
Ending Social Promotion: Results from Summer Bridge Ending Social PromotionResults from Summer Bridge Report Feb 2003
Displaying 91 - 100 of 110
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