GO FIGURE is a series of straightforward ~90 second videos in which research authors break down and explain a figure, table, or graphic in a Consortium report for busy educators want to know how this work applies to their everyday lives. These vidoes are great starting points to learn about some of the most important insights from the UChicago Consortium.

Explore topics like attendance, school-family engagement, getting to and through college, and more.

Social-Emotional Learning

Camille Farrington explains Figure 2.1 from Teaching Adolescents to Become Learners: The Role of Noncognitive Factors in Shaping School Performance, our 2012 literature review that kicked off our line of research on social-emotional learning.

J.S. Puller discusses Figure 3 of Arts Education and Social-Emotional Learning Outcomes Among K-12 Students: Developing a Theory of Action, a 2019 report closely examining what mechanisms of arts education can affect social-emotional competencies.

Shanette Porter breaks down Figure 2 of Investing in Adolescents: High School Climate and Organizational Context Shape Student Development and Educational Attainment, a recent report that shines light on what schools can do well to positively affect students’ long-term trajectories.

Jenny Nagaoka shares Figure 4 of Foundations for Young Adult Success: A Developmental Framework, our 2015 framework which asked, "What are the ingredients necessary for young adults to succeed?"

School-Family Relationships

Vanessa Gutiérrez discusses different approaches that different schools take to school-family communication, explaining table from Improving School-Family Communication and Engagement: Lessons from Remote Schooling during the Pandemic.

Elaine Allensworth discusses how attendance rates were higher in full-day preschool programs, vs. half-day preschool programs for all students, one of the findings of Meeting Families' Needs: Attendance Rates in Full-Day vs. Half-Day Pre-K.

Marisa de la Torre discusses the top factors contributing to where students enrolled, following the 2013 mass school closings in Chicago, as detailed in our report, School Closings in Chicago: Understanding Families' Choices and Constraints for New School Enrollment.

Graduation and Post-Secondary

Alexandra Usher shares a figure from the Data Tool that accompanies our annual report examining how CPS students are progressing on the path to and through high school and college, The Educational Attainment of Chicago Public Schools Students: 2022.

Shelby Mahaffie shares a figure that shows how CPS students are progressing on the path to and through high school and college, from The Educational Attainment of Chicago Public Schools Students: 2022.

Alex Seeskin shares a figure that unpacks what happens to students between the point at which they first enroll in college and the point at which they exit post-secondary education, from Navigating the Maze: Understanding CPS Graduates’ Paths Through College.

Alexandra Usher helps viewers to understand a key finding about 4-year vs. 6-year college completion rates, from our report, The Four Years Fallacy: Four-Year vs. Six-Year Bachelor’s Degree Completion Rates.


Elaine Allensworth shares Figure 5 of What Matters for Staying On-Track and Graduating in Chicago Public Schools, a report that kicked off a whole line of research into the Freshman OnTrack metric.

David Stevens shares how unexcused absences quadrupled in ninth grade, compared to eight grade, one of the findings in our report, Free to Fail or On-Track to College.

Grades & GPA

Elaine Allensworth shares a figure from Looking Forward to High School and College, demonstrating the degree to which individual predictors and combinations of predictors can identify students who are at risk of being off-track by the end of ninth grade, with GPA ultimately being one of the most predictive.

Marisa de la Torre shares a figure illuminating the way that GPA can often shift between eighth grade and ninth grade, from Looking Forward to High School and College.

Alexandra Usher shares a figure showing Students with high GPAs and attendance in grades 3-8 graduated high school with a 3.0 GPA more often than their peers with low GPAs, from Elementary On-Track: Elementary School Students’ Grades, Attendance, and Future Outcomes.

School Safety

Kaitlyn Franklin explains Figure 2 of Removing Police Officers from Chicago Schools: Trends and Outcomes, which shows high school student discipline outcomes over time for schools with 0, 1, or 2 SROs.

In this video, Amy Arneson, lead author of Removing Police Officers from Chicago Schools: Trends and Outcomes, explains Figure 8, which shows that removing SROs was related to lowering chances of high-level discipline infractions for students (the most serious incidents, including violence, threats, or drug-related incidents).

Gregory Pollard discusses Slide 16 of our first-ever Family Playbook, School Suspensions, Discipline & Restorative Justice, aiming to empower parents to help their children and school communities flourish by understanding student discipline and suspensions data and research.

English Learners in CPS

Kaitlyn Franklin shares Figure 4 of English Learners in Chicago Public Schools: A Spotlight on High School Students, part of our ongoing series of reports that disaggregates English Learners in CPS to examine how different groups perform.

Carlos Angeles habla de la figura 4 acerca de los estudiantes de inglés en las escuelas públicas de Chicago.