This is your school's report of the results of the two surveys: Improving Chicago's Schools: The Students Speak, 1997 and Improving Chicago's Schools: The Teachers' Turn, 1997. The Consortium on School Research administered these surveys to sixth-, eighth-, and tenth-grade students and elementary and high school teachers during the spring of 1997. The purpose of the study was to collect reliable information on students' and teachers' views of the school environment, classroom learning, parent involvement, school governance, and the professional work life of teachers. The report is intended to assist you in the assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your school improvement efforts.
John Tyler is the pseudonym for a representative Chicago public high school. Each school that returned a sufficient number of the 1997 student and teacher surveys received an individualized school report like the Millard Fillmore report. These reports aredesigned to correspond to the Chicago Public Schools' self-analysis guide. Data from each school's surveys are analyzed and compared to schools with similar ITBS scores and to all schools in the system.