Latino Policy Forum Blog

Earlier this week, the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research published a research report looking at English Learners (ELs) in Chicago Public Schools. Among the many findings, the report shows that Former ELs, students who achieved English proficiency and exited EL programs by high school, are thriving academically, and even outperforming their peers in various key areas. This report is a testament to the incredible potential of our young people and the impact of bilingual education programs and support. And as advocates for Latino equity in education, this research is a powerful tool in shifting the narrative on bilingual education and English Learners, and it helps us in our advocacy for policy solutions that make bilingual education and supports more accessible. 

The study examined three cohorts of CPS students, revealing that Former ELs achieved cumulative GPAs and SAT scores slightly higher than the district average. Their four-year high school graduation rates and two-year college persistence rates also surpassed those of their peers. Notably, former ELs boasted an impressive 88% four-year high school graduation rate, surpassing the district average of 84%...