Title Type Date Sort ascending
 5Essentials Survey in CPS: Qualitative Figures & Tables 5Essentials Survey in CPS Report Dec 2021
5Essentials Survey in CPS: Technical Appendix 5Essentials Survey in CPS Report Dec 2021
 5Essentials Survey in CPS: Quantitative Figures & Tables 5Essentials Survey in CPS Report Dec 2021
5Essentials Survey in CPS: Using School Climate Survey Results to Guide Practice 5Essentials Survey in CPS Report Dec 2021
 5Essentials Survey in CPS: Press Release 5Essentials Survey in CPS Report Dec 2021
Preview Not AvailableThe Information Content of Employee Awards Article Oct 2021
English Learners in Chicago: Early Grades - Figures & Tables English Learners in Chicago Public SchoolsAn Exploration of the Influence of Pre-K and Early Grade Years Report Sep 2021
English Learners in Chicago Public Schools: An Exploration of the Influence of Pre-K and Early Grade Years English Learners in Chicago Public SchoolsAn Exploration of the Influence of Pre-K and Early Grade Years Report Sep 2021
English Learners in Chicago Public Schools: Press Release English Learners in Chicago Public SchoolsAn Exploration of the Influence of Pre-K and Early Grade Years Report Sep 2021
English Learners in Chicago Public Schools: Executive Summary English Learners in Chicago Public SchoolsAn Exploration of the Influence of Pre-K and Early Grade Years Report Sep 2021
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