City Limits

Last week, the hedge fund backed pro charter school advocacy group Families for Excellent Schools (FES) filed a lawsuit against New York City public schools claiming that the civil rights of black and Latino are being violated because “violence” is out of control in our public schools. This organizations lawsuit and campaign is a slap in the face to the black and Latino parents, educators, community members, and especially young students that have fought for decades and continue to fight for racial justice and civil rights in public education. It is appalling, that in 2016, a white led organization claiming to represent black and Latino communities could so callously use their resources and influence to further dehumanize and criminalize black and Latino children.

FES “Safe Schools” campaign is steeped in the kind of messaging and rhetoric that plays upon the fear of black crime and violent and dangerous black children that is reminiscent of Willie Horton and the tough on juveniles era of the 90s that brought us the “superpredator” myth. In February, FES released a report, Safety Last: New York City’s Public Schools Are More Dangerous Than Ever. The report claims a weapon is found in NYC schools every 30 minutes, a child is a victim of a “violent incident” every 5 minutes and all children are exposed to violence in schools. Shortly after the report, FES began running television ads. One commercial shows black and Latino children, no older than 6 or 7, walking into a classroom while ambulance sirens and police scanners blare in the background and statistics about violence flash across the screen...