Consortium on Chicago School Research

Snapshot 2003: Professional Development in Technology

Teachers' assessments of their awareness of and participation in professional development activities designed to integrate technology in the classroom. High levels indicate teachers are able to find and take advantage of such professional development.

Definition of Categories Charted Above
In Chicago Public Schools:
Very Weak
teachers strongly disagree that they are aware of professional development in using computing technology in the classroom, that they have taken such professional development opportunities, and that the available professional development is relevant to computer usage in the classroom. They describe the lack of both appropriate professional development and release time for learning and planning as great barriers to technology use.
some teachers disagree but some agree that they are aware of professional development opportunities for technology use. They disagree or strongly disagree with all other items. They find lack of both professional development and release time to be great barriers to technology use.
teachers agree with the items on this scale. They find lack of both professional development and release time as small barriers to moderate barriers.
Very Strong
teachers strongly agree with all items on this scale. They describe the lack of professional development and release time as not a barrier.

To see the items making up this measure and the response frequencies for each item, click here.

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