Consortium on Chicago School Research

Snapshot 2003: Teacher-Principal Trust

The extent to which teachers feel their principal respects and supports them. High levels indicate teachers share deep mutual trust and respect with the principal.

Definition of Categories Charted Above
Teachers in Chicago Public Schools:
No trust
feel respected by their principal not at all. They disagree or strongly disagree that the principal takes an interest in teachers' professional development, has confidence in teachers' expertise, places students' needs before personal needs, is an effective manager, and looks out for teachers' welfare; that they trust their principal; and that it is OK to discuss worries with their principal.
Minimal trust
feel respected by their principal a little. They disagree with all other items on the scale.
Strong trust
feel respected by the principal some or to a great extent. They agree with all other items on the scale.
Very strong trust
feel respected by their principal to a great extent. They strongly agree that the principal takes an interest in teachers' professional development, has confidence in teachers' expertise, places students' needs before personal needs, is an effective manager, and looks out for teachers' welfare; and that they trust their principal. They agree or strongly agree that it is OK to discuss worries with their principal.

To see the items making up this measure and the response frequencies for each item, click here.

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