Consortium on Chicago School Research

Items that compose the measure for Teacher Use of Technology

Individual Separation: 1.96
Individual Level Reliability: 0.79
School Level Reliability: 0.55
2003 Item Code
Item Text
Item Difficulty
Item Fit
tec56q01 For each activity below, please indicate how often you use computers or the Internet to complete the activity. Create instructional materials (i.e., handouts, tests, etc.)
tec56q02 For each activity below, please indicate how often you use computers or the Internet to complete the activity. Gather information for planning lessons
tec56q03 For each activity below, please indicate how often you use computers or the Internet to complete the activity. Access model lesson plans
tec56q04 For each activity below, please indicate how often you use computers or the Internet to complete the activity. Access research and best practices for teaching
tec56q05 For each activity below, please indicate how often you use computers or the Internet to complete the activity. Create multimedia presentations for the classroom

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