Consortium on Chicago School Research

Items that compose the measure for Human Resource Support for Technology Use

Individual Separation: 1.42
Individual Level Reliability: 0.67
School Level Reliability: 0.83
2003 Item Code
Item Text
Item Difficulty
Item Fit
tec57q04 Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements: Our school's technology coordinator helps teachers integrate computing technology into lessons.
tec57q05 Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements: I can find help in my school when I have trouble using computing technology.
tec57q06 Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements: The computing technology in my school is in good working order.
tec58q03 Please indicate to what extent, if any, each of the following are barriers to your use of school computers or the Internet for instruction. Lack of technology coordinator in school

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