Consortium on Chicago School Research

Items that compose the measure for Quality Professional Development


Individual Separation: 2.05
Individual Level Reliability: 0.81
School Level Reliability: 0.58
2003 Item Code
Item Text
Item Difficulty
Item Fit
prf18q01 How much do you disagree or agree with the following: Teachers are left completely on their own to seek out professional development.
prf18q02 How much do you disagree or agree with the following: Most of what I learn in professional development addresses the needs of the students in my classroom.
prf18q03 How much do you disagree or agree with the following: Most professional development topics are offered in the school once and not followed up.
prf19q01 Overall, my professional development experiences this year have: Been sustained and coherently focused, rather than short- term and unrelated.
prf19q02 Overall, my professional development experiences this year have: Included enough time to think carefully about, try, and evaluate new ideas.
prf19q03 Overall, my professional development experiences this year have: Been closely connected to my school's improvement plan.
prf19q04 Overall, my professional development experiences this year have: Included opportunities to work productively with colleagues in my school.
prf19q05 Overall, my professional development experiences this year have: Included opportunities to work productively with teachers from other schools.

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